Silly Sock Day

Children have came to school today wearing the silliest, brightest socks they could get to raise awareness for autism. Autism Westmidlands.

May Fayre

Look at all the fun we had last year at the may fair Come along this year to have even more fun! Take a look here at the news group May Fayre page.

Displays around School

Community Flag for Birmingham

Thomas in 5B has designed a Flag for Birmingham as part of the council competition.  His design has made it through to the shortlist and can be seen below

If you  would like to support Thomas please go to the Birmingham City council website and give his flag a top score!!


It took about 2 hours to get to Dunfield. There was a stable there to sleep in but some people got to sleep in the house. There was a maximum room of twelve which had an en-suite. In free time we went swimming, to the tuck shop and went in to the woods to explore. There was also a playground there which we had a little competition to see who can hang for the longest on the bars. In swimming there were a lot of floats and balls to play with.

Written by Charlotte

Cavern Club