Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, we have four classes. 4R's class teacher is Mr. Roberts, 4RN's class teacher is Mr. Ronan, 4K's class teacher is Miss. Keogh and 4S's class teacher is Miss. Saleem.

We have a number of teaching assistants and learning support assistants who help out in Year 4. These are; Mrs. Tuby (based in 4S), Mrs. Connolly (based in 4R), Mrs. Gibbs (based in 4RN) and Miss. O'Riordan (based in 4K). We also have Miss. Hughes, Miss. Baker, Mrs. Holliday and Mrs. Khan as LSAs this year. 

We work very hard in Year 4 and learn lots of exciting new skills throughout the year in; English, Shared Reading, Maths, Science, History and Geography, The Arts, Jigsaw and RE. 
To find out what we will be learning in each term, follow the links titled 'Autumn Term Y4', 'Spring Term Y4' and 'Summer Term Y4'.

Key Information

Year 4 Multiplication Check

-Times-tables test/multiplication tables check (MTC): the basics
 Primary school children are expected to know all of their times tables up to and including 12x12. Under the current National Curriculum, children should know their times tables by the end of Year 4 and will be formally tested on their multiplication skills in the Summer term.


-Why a new test?
The Department for Education (DfE) says that the check is part of a new focus on mastering Numeracy, giving children the skills and knowledge they need for secondary school and beyond. The Purpose of the MTC is to determine whether Y4 pupils can recall their multiplication tables fluently (being able to answer times tables questions accurately and quickly, without having to work out the answers.

-How will children be tested?
Children will be tested using an on-screen check (on a computer or a tablet) where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock.

The test will last no longer than 5 minutes and is similar to other tests already used by primary schools. Their answers will be marked instantly.

Children will have 6 seconds to answer each questions in a series of 25. Each question is worth one mark and will be presented to the child in this format:  n1 x n2 = ___

Questions will be selected from the 121 number facts that make up the multiplication tables from 2 to 12, with a particular focus on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables as they are considered to be the most challenging. Each question will only appear once in any 25-question series.

Once the child has entered their answer, there will be a three-second pause before the next question appears. Children will be given the opportunity to practise answering questions in this format before the official check begins.

-What if a child doesn't do well in the multiplication check?
There will be no 'pass mark' (expected standard threshold) and no child will 'fail' the test. Multiplication facts will be the only things tested (there will be no testing of children's knowledge of division facts or problem-solving in the check).

The DfE says the purpose of the check is to help teachers identify which children are falling behind and target areas where they're not being given a chance to succeed.


-What are we doing at CBJS to help prepare Y4 for the MTC?
At CBJS, we are putting lots in place to make sure our children are ready to take part in the MTC. Each half-term, we will be focusing on a specific times-table/s to make sure each child is secure in their times-tables up to 12 x 12. To find out what we are focusing on, please follow the links for each term.

We use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to help our children grasp a better understanding of the times-tables. This year, we have made sure the work in TTRS links to the focused times-table for each half-term. This will help the children to really secure their understanding of each times-table.


-How can you help your child practise their times-tables at home?

Times-tables are learnt best when learnt regularly and in short bursts. Here are at CBJS, we use TTRS and focus on a specific times-table for each half-term. Make sure you are; practising times-tables at home with your child, using TTRS, and make sure that your child completes their homework each week.

 Please use the links below for other ways to practise at home:


Download the PDF below for 'A Grown Up's Guide to Times Tables'. The information in this pack will help you support your child's understanding of their times-tables at home.



A_Grown_Up_s_Guide_to_Times_Tables.pdf .pdf

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, we have four classes. 4R's class teacher is Mr. Roberts, 4RN's class teacher is Mr. Ronan, 4K's class teacher is Miss. Keogh and 4S's class teacher is Miss. Saleem.

We have a number of teaching assistants and learning support assistants who help out in Year 4. These are; Mrs. Tuby (based in 4S), Mrs. Connolly (based in 4R), Mrs. Gibbs (based in 4RN) and Miss. O'Riordan (based in 4K). We also have Miss. Hughes, Miss. Baker, Mrs. Holliday and Mrs. Khan as LSAs this year. 

We work very hard in Year 4 and learn lots of exciting new skills throughout the year in; English, Shared Reading, Maths, Science, History and Geography, The Arts, Jigsaw and RE. 
To find out what we will be learning in each term, follow the links titled 'Autumn Term Y4', 'Spring Term Y4' and 'Summer Term Y4'.

Key Information

Year 4 Multiplication Check

-Times-tables test/multiplication tables check (MTC): the basics
 Primary school children are expected to know all of their times tables up to and including 12x12. Under the current National Curriculum, children should know their times tables by the end of Year 4 and will be formally tested on their multiplication skills in the Summer term.


-Why a new test?
The Department for Education (DfE) says that the check is part of a new focus on mastering Numeracy, giving children the skills and knowledge they need for secondary school and beyond. The Purpose of the MTC is to determine whether Y4 pupils can recall their multiplication tables fluently (being able to answer times tables questions accurately and quickly, without having to work out the answers.

-How will children be tested?
Children will be tested using an on-screen check (on a computer or a tablet) where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock.

The test will last no longer than 5 minutes and is similar to other tests already used by primary schools. Their answers will be marked instantly.

Children will have 6 seconds to answer each questions in a series of 25. Each question is worth one mark and will be presented to the child in this format:  n1 x n2 = ___

Questions will be selected from the 121 number facts that make up the multiplication tables from 2 to 12, with a particular focus on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables as they are considered to be the most challenging. Each question will only appear once in any 25-question series.

Once the child has entered their answer, there will be a three-second pause before the next question appears. Children will be given the opportunity to practise answering questions in this format before the official check begins.

-What if a child doesn't do well in the multiplication check?
There will be no 'pass mark' (expected standard threshold) and no child will 'fail' the test. Multiplication facts will be the only things tested (there will be no testing of children's knowledge of division facts or problem-solving in the check).

The DfE says the purpose of the check is to help teachers identify which children are falling behind and target areas where they're not being given a chance to succeed.


-What are we doing at CBJS to help prepare Y4 for the MTC?
At CBJS, we are putting lots in place to make sure our children are ready to take part in the MTC. Each half-term, we will be focusing on a specific times-table/s to make sure each child is secure in their times-tables up to 12 x 12. To find out what we are focusing on, please follow the links for each term.

We use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to help our children grasp a better understanding of the times-tables. This year, we have made sure the work in TTRS links to the focused times-table for each half-term. This will help the children to really secure their understanding of each times-table.


-How can you help your child practise their times-tables at home?

Times-tables are learnt best when learnt regularly and in short bursts. Here are at CBJS, we use TTRS and focus on a specific times-table for each half-term. Make sure you are; practising times-tables at home with your child, using TTRS, and make sure that your child completes their homework each week.

 Please use the links below for other ways to practise at home:


Download the PDF below for 'A Grown Up's Guide to Times Tables'. The information in this pack will help you support your child's understanding of their times-tables at home.



A_Grown_Up_s_Guide_to_Times_Tables.pdf .pdf

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, we have four classes. 4R's class teacher is Mr. Roberts, 4RN's class teacher is Mr. Ronan, 4K's class teacher is Miss. Keogh and 4S's class teacher is Miss. Saleem.

We have a number of teaching assistants and learning support assistants who help out in Year 4. These are; Mrs. Tuby (based in 4S), Mrs. Connolly (based in 4R), Mrs. Gibbs (based in 4RN) and Miss. O'Riordan (based in 4K). We also have Miss. Hughes, Miss. Baker, Mrs. Holliday and Mrs. Khan as LSAs this year. 

We work very hard in Year 4 and learn lots of exciting new skills throughout the year in; English, Shared Reading, Maths, Science, History and Geography, The Arts, Jigsaw and RE. 
To find out what we will be learning in each term, follow the links titled 'Autumn Term Y4', 'Spring Term Y4' and 'Summer Term Y4'.

Key Information

Year 4 Multiplication Check

-Times-tables test/multiplication tables check (MTC): the basics
 Primary school children are expected to know all of their times tables up to and including 12x12. Under the current National Curriculum, children should know their times tables by the end of Year 4 and will be formally tested on their multiplication skills in the Summer term.


-Why a new test?
The Department for Education (DfE) says that the check is part of a new focus on mastering Numeracy, giving children the skills and knowledge they need for secondary school and beyond. The Purpose of the MTC is to determine whether Y4 pupils can recall their multiplication tables fluently (being able to answer times tables questions accurately and quickly, without having to work out the answers.

-How will children be tested?
Children will be tested using an on-screen check (on a computer or a tablet) where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock.

The test will last no longer than 5 minutes and is similar to other tests already used by primary schools. Their answers will be marked instantly.

Children will have 6 seconds to answer each questions in a series of 25. Each question is worth one mark and will be presented to the child in this format:  n1 x n2 = ___

Questions will be selected from the 121 number facts that make up the multiplication tables from 2 to 12, with a particular focus on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables as they are considered to be the most challenging. Each question will only appear once in any 25-question series.

Once the child has entered their answer, there will be a three-second pause before the next question appears. Children will be given the opportunity to practise answering questions in this format before the official check begins.

-What if a child doesn't do well in the multiplication check?
There will be no 'pass mark' (expected standard threshold) and no child will 'fail' the test. Multiplication facts will be the only things tested (there will be no testing of children's knowledge of division facts or problem-solving in the check).

The DfE says the purpose of the check is to help teachers identify which children are falling behind and target areas where they're not being given a chance to succeed.


-What are we doing at CBJS to help prepare Y4 for the MTC?
At CBJS, we are putting lots in place to make sure our children are ready to take part in the MTC. Each half-term, we will be focusing on a specific times-table/s to make sure each child is secure in their times-tables up to 12 x 12. To find out what we are focusing on, please follow the links for each term.

We use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to help our children grasp a better understanding of the times-tables. This year, we have made sure the work in TTRS links to the focused times-table for each half-term. This will help the children to really secure their understanding of each times-table.


-How can you help your child practise their times-tables at home?

Times-tables are learnt best when learnt regularly and in short bursts. Here are at CBJS, we use TTRS and focus on a specific times-table for each half-term. Make sure you are; practising times-tables at home with your child, using TTRS, and make sure that your child completes their homework each week.

 Please use the links below for other ways to practise at home:


Download the PDF below for 'A Grown Up's Guide to Times Tables'. The information in this pack will help you support your child's understanding of their times-tables at home.



A_Grown_Up_s_Guide_to_Times_Tables.pdf .pdf