Welcome to the year 6 page of our school website.


There are four year 6 classes as listed below: 

  • 6H taught by Mr Hayer (year 6 leader) 
  • 6B taught by Miss Burkett
  • 6F taught by Mrs Foley
  • 6D taught by Mr Dagnall 

The year 6 team also have Mr Bird and Mrs Vale teaching the math and english groups while Mrs Pickering teaches alternate days with Mrs Foley. 


During their time in year 6, the children will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum, as well as prepare to make the important transition to secondary school.


Key information

  • The school doors open at 8:40am, so please ensure that your child arrives at school punctually each morning. 
  • Spellings are set every Monday.
  • Homework is set every Friday.
  • The children are expected to have their reading book and reading diary in school every day. 
  • Reading diaries are to be handed in weekly so that they can be checked. The school expectation is that the children read a minimum of three times per week and evidence this within their reading diary. 
  • The children will have two P.E lessons each week (one indoor lesson and one outdoor lesson). Please see the P.E timetable below. 


P.E timetable

6H                                                 6R

Outdoor P.E - Tuesday                 Outdoor P.E - Wednesday

Indoor P.E - Wednesday              Indoor P.E - Monday


6B                                                  6D

Outdoor P.E - Monday                   Outdoor P.E - Friday    

Indoor P.E - Tuesday                     Indoor P.E - Thursday


Times Table Rockstars & Reading Eggs

All children have been set up with Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) and Reading Eggs accounts. These online platforms are superb resources that your child has access to in order to support the practise of multiplication, division and a wide range of reading skills.

Please encourage your child to log on to both TTRS and Reading Eggs regularly each week. If your child needs their log in details, please get in touch with your child's class teacher. 


SATs information for parents

SATs stands for Standard Assessment Tests and they are administered by schools in England to children in Year 6 to assess children’s progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. The setting of the SATs tests are carried out in UK schools by the Standards & Testing Agency.


Test timetable for 2023

In May 2023, your child will sit statutory tests in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading and Maths. These are the dates set for the assessments by the Standards and Testing Agency.

This year, due an additional bank holiday in recognition of His Majesty King Charles' coronation  which is taking place on Monday 8th May 2023, the children's SATs tests will be taking place from Tuesday 9th May 2023 to Friday 12th May 2023.  Please see below for the test timetable. 




Monday 8th May 2023


Bank Holiday - school is closed on this day


Tuesday 9th May 2023

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar – Paper 1

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar – Paper 2


Wednesday 10th May 2023

English Reading

Thursday 11th May 2023


Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning


Friday 12th May 2023

Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar tests

The Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) tests are presented to children as two test papers. Paper 1, a written, short answer paper, tests knowledge of grammar and punctuation taught across Key Stage Two. Pupils have 45 minutes to complete paper 1. Paper 2 is an aural spelling test of 20 words which tests the spelling rules, prefixes and suffixes taught from years 3 - 6.


English Reading test

The English Reading test focuses on comprehension and includes a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. The test consists of one reading booklet, which has three texts for the children to read, and a separate answer booklet. Pupils have one hour to read the three texts in the reading booklet and answer the questions.


Mathematics tests

The Mathematics assessment is presented to pupils as three test papers. Paper 1 assesses arithmetic and pupils will have 30 minutes to give the answers to calculations.  Papers 2 and 3 assess reasoning and will consist of a wider range of problem-solving questions. Papers 2 and 3 will last for 40 minutes each.


Writing assessment

There are no statutory tests set to assess writing. Instead, your child’s writing will be teacher assessed. To do this, teachers will be using the Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing for pupils who have completed the Key Stage Two National Curriculum programme of study. A range of different pieces of writing, which have been completed in class as part of your child’s English lessons, will be used to judge each pupil as: working at the expected level, working at a greater depth or working towards the expected level. To be working at the expected level children need to show evidence of all the National Curriculum statements for writing.


Results and reporting to parents

Scaled scores are used to report SATs test results for each subject tested. The numerical scores (raw scores) from the SPaG, Reading and Mathematics tests will be converted into a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 shows that a child is working at the expected Year 6 level, a scaled score of 110 or above shows that a child is working at a greater depth and scaled score of below 100 shows that a child is working below the expected level for Year 6.  Parents will receive their child’s SATs results and teacher assessment judgements at the end of this academic year in July 2022.


Year 6, we know how incredible you all are. Please remember the following:
