Year 5 Autumn Term


Autumn term runs from September through until Christmas. Year 5 have so many exciting lessons including learning about materials in the Science Fizz, Pop, Bang! unit, The Vikings in Topic and also Sikhism in RE.

Science - Fizz, Pop, Bang!

In Science this term, children in Y5 have explored the properties of materials. In this unit, they have also explored reversible and irreversible reactions. They carried out experiments mixing materials together to explore the result - could they get their original materials back or not?


Door Display Competition

Y5 completed their door displays this term on Kensuke's Kingdom. Here are the creations each class has produced!

Topic and Art - The Vikings!

 Children each year LOVE learning about the Vikings. Alongside our learning of Viking history and geographical movements. 

English - Kensuke's Kingdom

Year 5 have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo in English. We have loved finding out about what happened to Michael and have produced some fantastic writing. Take at look at some of our work below. 


RE - Y5 Celebrate Diwali!

 In RE, Y5 have continued to learn all about Sikhism, including the importance of the 5K's in the religion. The learning is especially fitting as on 14th November we will see the celebration of Diwali - a very important religious festival in the Sikh calendar!

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We cover lots of Maths curriculum in Autumn term of Y5 so far. Please continue to support your child with their Times Tables using TTRS at home as this impacts on so many areas of Maths. 


 We have been working incredibly on our presentation this term, thinking about the different joins and how to present our work neatly.  



In PSHE this term we have been thinking about 'Being me in my World'. We have thought about our rights and responsibilities and have been developing new skills as part of our table teams. We worked together as tables to create Kensuke's island from our English text. We are really proud of our outcomes. 
