Spring Term
We are continuing to work exceptionally hard in all areas of the curriculum. Please read on to find out what we have been learning in; English and Shared Reading, Maths, French, Science, and History and Geography.
English and Shared Reading
Spring 1
Throughout the first half-term of Spring, we have been reading a book called 'The Witches', by one of our favourite authors, Roald Dahl. We have produced some brilliant work based on it, which has included, creating a Wanted Public Service Announcement, written our own narrative stories and completed a persuasive Real Write on who the children believe everyone should admire. Have a look at some of our fantastic work below!
Spring 2
The text we have been focusing on in Spring 2 has been a non-fiction text called 'The History Detective Investigates: London'. It is full of factual information about London, such as, how the Tudor Londoners had fun and The Tower of London. We have enjoyed learning new facts and knowledge about our country's capital city! Take a look at our non-chronological report all about the Tower of London, and our balanced argument on who had more fun - Tudor Londoners or Londoners today?
Spring 1
We are still working incredibly hard in maths and made amazing progress in the following areas during Spring 1:
-Number and Place Value
-Addition and Subtraction
Spring 2
Throughout Spring 2, we have been making progress in these areas of maths:
-Multiplication and Division
We have also been improving our times-tables and have been practising all of our times-tables from the 2s all the way up to the 12s. If you want to practise at home, login to Timestable Rockstars.
Year 4 have really enjoyed their French lessons so far this year. In the Autumn term, we learned how to say members of our family During the Spring term, we have been learning the different colours and how to say different classroom objects. Year 4 children can also describe different coloured classroom objects Have a go at practising some French at home by clicking on the posters below! Please have a look at some of our French work for the Spring Term!
History and Geography
Throughout the whole of the Spring term, we have been learning all about The Romans. We have learned about; The Roman Empire, the Roman Invasion of Britain, Queen Boudica's rebellion, different types of Roman settlements and life during the Roman times.
Easter Production
In Year 4, children have the opportunity to perform an Easter Production to parents and to the whole school! This year, our production was 'Good News'. The children have been working exceptionally hard during the final few weeks of the Spring Term and did an absolutely outstanding job, performing twice in the final week of term!
Below are some photos which show some parts of the play!