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Year_3_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_3_Planning_overview.pdf | |||
Year_4_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_4_Planning_overview.pdf | |||
Year_5_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_5_overview_document.pdf | |||
Year_6_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_6_overview_document.pdf |
Times-table Practise
Learning times-tables off by heart makes mental maths much easier. It will boost your child's confidence in their maths lessons at school, but it's also a skill they'll use all the time in the world outside of school. Here is key information about how times-table are taught at CBJS and what you can do at home to help!
Why is it important for my child to know their times-tables?
When children know their times-tables, mental arithmetic becomes easier. Practising also allows children to understand number and number relationships, and to see patterns in numbers. These skills will help them master key concepts involved in maths, such as written methods of multiplication and division and fractions. This will enable your child to move quickly through more complex maths problems with confidence.
A thorough knowledge of multiplication and division facts will help children succeed in tests at the end of primary school and will set them up for success at secondary school. As they grow older, knowing times-tables will help with everyday activities like shopping, cooking or budgeting.
When does my child need to know their times-tables?
Before arriving at CBJS, your child should be able to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and recall their multiplication and division facts for these times-tables. When at CBJS, your child will be expected to know the following in each year group:
-Year 3: be able to remember and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times-tables.
-Year 4: be able to remember and use multiplication and division facts up to and including 12x12.
-Year 5 and 6: revision of all multiplication and division facts up to and including 12x12.
How are times-tables taught at CBJS?
In LKS2, the children focus on a specific times-table for each half-term. Please refer to individual year group pages to find out what times-table your child is practising in school. As well as this, we use TTRS to support the retention of times-tables.
Across UKS2, the children take part weekly in TTRS sessions. 3 times per week they have 3 minutes to answer 60 questions on a range of times-tables. These questions include both multiplication and division. Alongside this, the children have the opportunity to take part in quick-fire maths games such as, times-table tennis, call and response, chanting and shoot the sheriff.
What can you do at home to help?
Times-tables are always worth practising! Little and often is the best way to do this - 5-10 minutes of times-table practise each day works wonders.
It is always worth practising times-tables that your child is unsure of. Don't just keep doing the ones you already know and try some mixed practise once a week, where different times-tables are mixed together.
Here are some websites that are great to use at home:
If you ever need support with times-table practise at home, please talk to your child's class teacher; they will be more than happy to help!
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year_3_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_3_Planning_overview.pdf | |||
Year_4_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_4_Planning_overview.pdf | |||
Year_5_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_5_overview_document.pdf | |||
Year_6_Objectives.pdf | |||
Year_6_overview_document.pdf |
Times-table Practise
Learning times-tables off by heart makes mental maths much easier. It will boost your child's confidence in their maths lessons at school, but it's also a skill they'll use all the time in the world outside of school. Here is key information about how times-table are taught at CBJS and what you can do at home to help!
Why is it important for my child to know their times-tables?
When children know their times-tables, mental arithmetic becomes easier. Practising also allows children to understand number and number relationships, and to see patterns in numbers. These skills will help them master key concepts involved in maths, such as written methods of multiplication and division and fractions. This will enable your child to move quickly through more complex maths problems with confidence.
A thorough knowledge of multiplication and division facts will help children succeed in tests at the end of primary school and will set them up for success at secondary school. As they grow older, knowing times-tables will help with everyday activities like shopping, cooking or budgeting.
When does my child need to know their times-tables?
Before arriving at CBJS, your child should be able to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and recall their multiplication and division facts for these times-tables. When at CBJS, your child will be expected to know the following in each year group:
-Year 3: be able to remember and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times-tables.
-Year 4: be able to remember and use multiplication and division facts up to and including 12x12.
-Year 5 and 6: revision of all multiplication and division facts up to and including 12x12.
How are times-tables taught at CBJS?
In LKS2, the children focus on a specific times-table for each half-term. Please refer to individual year group pages to find out what times-table your child is practising in school. As well as this, we use TTRS to support the retention of times-tables.
Across UKS2, the children take part weekly in TTRS sessions. 3 times per week they have 3 minutes to answer 60 questions on a range of times-tables. These questions include both multiplication and division. Alongside this, the children have the opportunity to take part in quick-fire maths games such as, times-table tennis, call and response, chanting and shoot the sheriff.
What can you do at home to help?
Times-tables are always worth practising! Little and often is the best way to do this - 5-10 minutes of times-table practise each day works wonders.
It is always worth practising times-tables that your child is unsure of. Don't just keep doing the ones you already know and try some mixed practise once a week, where different times-tables are mixed together.
Here are some websites that are great to use at home:
If you ever need support with times-table practise at home, please talk to your child's class teacher; they will be more than happy to help!